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Eville Do-rz Gearhead Club

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Eville Shindig Hot Rod Kustoms and Rockabilly Weekend #10

October 16-18 2025 @ Vanderburgh 4H Center Evansville IN

1972 and older car show, vintage camping rally, rockabilly music festival

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2025 Event Day Info

Wednesday, October 15th: Vintage Camper Setup Day – we'll kick things off after 4 PM.

If you'd like to get your camper set up early, you're welcome to enter after 4 PM on Wednesday if you've pre-paid your registration.

Thursday, October 16th: Setup day and the first day of the show.

All gates open at 9 AM and close at dark, except for Gate 1 which stays open until midnight.

Friday, October 17th: Show day and Monsters Ball Costume Party night – all gates open at 9 AM for participants and spectators.

Vendors and swap meet participants may enter at 8 AM. All other gates open at 9 AM and close at dark, except for Gate 1, which stays open until midnight.

Saturday, October 18th: Show and Award Day – all gates open at 9 AM for participants and spectators.

Vendors and swap meet participants may enter at 8 AM. All gates open at 9 AM and close at dark, except for Gate 1, which stays open until midnight.

Sunday, October 19th: Sorry, the event is over. Today is travel home and cleanup day – the grounds are closed for cleanup.

Cleanup Day: The show is over—some hang around, but most leave early. All exits remain open.

Register your ride today!

Event Offers 2024

Event Location
Vanderburgh 4H Center
201 E Boonville New Harmony Rd
Evansville IN, 47725

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What Our Event Offers

Best hot rod, kustoms and rockabilly festival in the Midwest. If you love hot rods, kustom cars, trucks, motorcycles, vintage campers, pin up girls, rockabilly bands, swap meets, tattoos, lowbrow art, vendors of cool shit, pinstripers, celebrity guests and builders, flame throwing cars, on-site camping, cool trophies, cash prizes, good food and great people, then our show is the Kustom Kulture Event that you absolutely don't want to miss. Click on any of the sections below to read up on more info about them. You can view all the events that we are having this year by clicking the navigation bar in the top right corner.

Variety of Contests & Events at the Show

Award ceremony is from 4-5PM the 3rd Saturday of October every year. Click here for all specific info on events and contests during Eville Shindig.

Rockabilly Bands

A full list of our great bands from all over the country.

Thursday October 16th (Band Barn)

2025 Lineup to be announced!

Camping and Vintage Camping

Set up for camping starts at 8am on Wednesday October 15th. All the info you need is inside this article.

Miss Eville Shindig Pin Up Girl Contest

Contest time is from 3pm to 4pm in the Band Building. Registration will be accepted on Friday 12 PM to 4 PM as well as Saturday morning from 9 AM to 11 AM. Registration table will be located at the front of the band building.

Monsters Ball Costume Party

Friday, October 17th, 2025: Monsters Ball is a Halloween costume party held in the auditorium atop the hill. Doors open at approximately 5:45 PM after the flame-throwing show.

Swap Meet and Car Corral

Swap area will be used for sale of used parts and Vintage treasures. We only ask that you keep the type of things sold fitting to the theme of our event. Vintage style or car related items are a great example of what people are looking for.


Eville Do-Rz Gearhead club would like to thank you for joining us. We are a car, truck and motorcycle club located in Evansville, Indiana. We are dedicated to keeping the vintage gearhead hobby alive by doing things with our hot rods, motorcycles and trucks. Driving them or building them is our passion. We focus on Pre-1972 hot rods, customs, gassers, rat rods, drag cars, trucks and motorcycles. Click the button below to learn more or if you are interested in joining.

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