Monsters Ball Costume Party
Friday October 18th 2024
Make sure you bring a costume! Monsters Ball is a Halloween costume party held in the auditorium on top of the hill. Doors will open at approximately 5:45 after the awards ceremony. Come dressed up in your costume, prizes will be given to best dressed female and male, along with the best couple (adults only).
Costumes are Expected but not mandatory. Everyone is welcome! It is mandatory that everyone entering have a Shindig wristband.
Kids are welcome!
Please no vulgar costumes. (kids will be present)
Drinks will be served by the Hadi Shriners at a reasonable price with 100% of the proceeds going to the Shriners Charity. NO outside drinks or food allowed to be brought in PLEASE.
We will have lots of seating available.
All we ask is to please clean up after yourselves, and be mindful of others having fun.
If for any reason you are vulgar or disrespectful in any way you will be asked to leave and maybe even escorted out of the Fairgounds. Just have FUN!
Bands Schedule
6:30pm-8:00pm: Lucky and the Star devils
8:00pm-10:00pm: The Centuries
10:00pm-12:00am: 3 on the Tree