Miss Eville Shindig Pin Up Girl Contest
Saturday October 15th 2022
Contest time is from 3pm to 4pm in the Band Building
1. You must be 18 years of age or older
2.Contestants must wear 1940's 50's or 60's classic glamour, including hair, makeup and shoes.
3. No Bikinis or swimsuits.
4. Vulgar or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated in any way.
5. Contestants must be dressed and ready to go by 2:00pm on Saturday October 15th. The contest will take place inside the Band Building.
6. Contest will take place promptly at 2:30pm.
7. Each Contestant will be announced numerically and by stage name to enter the stage. Once you are all lined up on stage, you will be brought forward to tell the audience about yourself and to show off your best poses. Once everyone has gone, you will then be asked candid questions ( I will provide those at a later date so you can prepare, but they will be drawn at random). We will have a short intermission to count People's Choice $ and for the Judge's to tally their sheets. During this time, the Little Miss Eville Shindig and Little Greaser contest will take place. We will then all gather back on the stage to announce the winners!
8. Cost is $20.00 to participate. Paypal gtogirl90@aol.com (Family & Friends). Please PM the Noel Holiday page if you do not have paypal. Along with the required info below, please submit a photo that I can share on this page to introduce you. (Pinup attire preferred). Submit both to gtogirl90@aol.com. The introduction post will be confirmation that you are in fact in the contest. Registration fee is due within 72 hours of your introduction post or your spot will be forfeited.
9. Registration is limited to 15 ladies. FCFS. Last day to register is September 1st.
10. The Top Three winners will receive a cash prize. First prize $500.00, Second prize $100.00, and third is $50.00 I will have a People’s Choice category again so bring some cash to buy votes and tell your friends and family! $1 per vote. You will take home half the pot! **IMPORTANT**My booth will be inside the Auditorium, I will be there all day Friday and Saturday morning before the contest. Please come pick up your envelope as soon as you can in order to give yourself as much time as possible to collect votes. Your People's Choice envelope will be turned in when we line up at 2:00PM. We will redistribute as you exit the stage before intermission to give you about 5 mins to hit the audience and collect some last minute votes.
I am excited to share that this year I will have two additional prize categories, Self-Made and Most Retro Do. The Self-Made prize will be given to the contestant with the best homemade item. I.E. Dress, Hair Accessory, Bag etc. Prize will be provided by Dish Rags Clothing! The Most Retro Do prize will be provided by Exna's Hair & Nails!
11. Please include the following info with your photo:
Pin-Up Name:
City Traveling from:
One to two words you would use to describe yourself:
Please note:
Registration was accepted at the show last year due to COVID, and the uncertainty surrounding whether the show would happen, but this year there will be no registration the weekend of the show. Registration will be closed September 1st.
The Cost of the Pin Up Girl contest does not Include Free Entrance to the Show.
cost is $20.00 per person at the Gate for all participants
Stay Classy Ladies!